Members Photo`s
Any members that have photos that they would like to be considered for inclusion in this area of the website, please email them to [email protected] or come and talk to one of the Sports & Social Committee Members .
DISCLAIMER: Please note that photos added to the website are not meant to in any way cause offense but if your photo is included on the website and you would prefer it not to be, please email [email protected] with your request to remove it and it will be removed as soon as possible.
DISCLAIMER: Please note that photos added to the website are not meant to in any way cause offense but if your photo is included on the website and you would prefer it not to be, please email [email protected] with your request to remove it and it will be removed as soon as possible.
A few more photos of The Children with Cancer Charity night courtesy of Ray.
You can pause the slideshow at any time by hovering your mouse on the photo and left clicking the pause button
Please also be aware that the photos may not remain on the website for long, so please make sure that you have retained the originals of the photos for your own use.
DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that postings to either of the Social Media sites below are subject to removal by the administrator if considered to be offensive, libelous, or aggressive in any manner.